The Republican Branch Union of Trade Union Organizations of Industry Workers of Armenia
On February 15, 2023 a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Branch Republican Union of Professional Organizations of Industrial Workers of the Republic of Armenia was held, in which 8 members of the Executive Committee, the Chairman of the Audit Commission and the Press Secretary took part. The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the Republican Union A. Danielyan. During the meeting, the …
Seminar for Republican Branch Union of Trade Union Organizations of Industry Workers of Armenia
On May 27-30, members of the Republican Branch Union of Trade Union Organizations of Industry Workers of Armenia participated in the seminar organized by CTUA and Solidarity Center in Armenia. The participants got engaged in group work and role-playing games, as well as discussed the functions and rights of modern-day trade unions in Armenia. Collective agreement and the main points of the Labour …
Last news

Comprehensive Health Insurance or Additional Tax? The Draft Law and Obstacles to Its Implementation

The draft of the “Law of the Republic of Armenia on Comprehensive Health Insurance”, which was recently circulated on the e-draft platform, is at fi…

Socio-economic challenges in the Republic of Armenia and trade unions

The Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia jointly with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Armenia held a trade union and sports event on the topic of “S…

Recommendations and comments of the Trade Union Confederation of Armenia on the draft law of the Republic of Armenia "On Comprehensive Health Insurance"

The Confederation Trade Unions of Armenia, positively assessing the draft law of the Republic of Armenia "On Comprehensive Health Insurance", simultan…

Happy Women’s Day

Today, is March 8, an ordinary spring day, which became a holiday thanks to efforts to protect women's rights. Even today, women are not insured against vio…

Discussions on Comprehensive Health Insurance

On February 14, an open discussion of the draft Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Comprehensive Health Insurance" was held in the conference hall of …
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