
On February 15, 2023 a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Branch Republican Union of Professional Organizations of Industrial Workers of the Republic of Armenia was held, in which 8 members of the Executive Committee, the Chairman of the Audit Commission and the Press Secretary took part. The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the Republican Union A. Danielyan.
During the meeting, the issues included in the agenda were discussed and approved, namely:
• Execution of the budget for October-December 2022, the financial budget of the industry union for 2023;
• Reports submitted by companies during 2022: - annual statistics, collective agreements, health and safety of employees, labor disputes;
• It was recorded that for the period of 2022. 91% of industry workers were provided with overalls and protective equipment;
• During the meeting, a Memorandum was signed between the consulting (lawyer) company "Virtuoz" and the industry union, to which the company expressed its readiness to provide free consultations to organizations  affiliated in  the Union of Trade Unions of Industrial Workers of Armenia;
• Applications were approved  received in 2022 from the newly created primary trade union organizations to include them in the Union of Industrial Workers of the Republic of Armenia;
• A new regulation on the activities of the Audit Commission of the Branch Union of Professional Organizations of Industrial Workers of the Republic of Armenia was approved;
• The program of events for the celebration of International Women's Day was discussed;
Other issues included in the agenda were also discussed.

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