Adopted by 3-d CTUA Congress
Activity Plan
of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia for 2012-2017
Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia, (thereby CTUA) cooperating with member branch republican unions (thereby BRU) aim its activity at stabilization and development of the social partnership in the republic, at joining up and strengthening of trade union movement and establishing its participation in the world trade union movement.
CTUA protect the decent work conception proposed by the International Labour Organization which comes to be the basic idea of social, economic and ecological development of the countries.
With the object of continuing the eternal reforms of CTUA and member BRU activities, increasing the authority and credibility of trade unions and as well as for the providing publicity of trade union activity the Congress considers it necessary to direct the CTUA efforts to the implementation of the following tasks.
1.Social Partnership
In its social and labour relationships with the state authorities and employers CTUA is guided by the social partnership principles.
1.1.To take measures for developing and improving the system of the social partnership in the collective labour relations.
1.2.To assist member BRU in drawing up collective agreements in trade union organizations.
1.3.To conduct together with social partners discussions concerning labour and related to it professional, economic and social rights and interests of workers.
1.4.To continue participation in the discussions arranged by the interested parties concerning the matter of adopting new legal acts about labour and related to them professional, economic and social issues and about inclusion amendments and supplements in acting legal acts.
1.5.To cooperate with Labour state inspection and with member BRU in the implementation of the control over legal norms and collective agreements regulating labour relationships.
1.6.To continue activity on assisting the ratification by the Republic of Armenia of the International Labour Organization conventions, to take steps for entire implementations of the demands of the ratified conventions.
1.7.To conduct discussions in order to determine the advisability to ratify provisions of European Social Charter which are not ratified by the RA. To appear with the proposal of ratifying of these provisions and take measures to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the ratified provisions.
1.8.To carry out activity to increase the effectiveness of trade union active members’ training on conducting collective negotiations and drawing up collective agreements.
2. Representation and Protection of Labour Rights and Interests of Workers
Representation and protection of labour rights and interests of workers by the Confederation of Trade Union of Armenia is aimed at providing the labour rights of workers and at the independence of trade unions.
2.1.To continue activity on determination of the minimal wages in the republic in accordance with the international norms and take measures to bring gradually the level of the minimal wages to satisfactory standards of living by means of corresponding legal acts.
2.2.To insure the adoption of the RA law “About indexation of the salary” .
2.3.To continue assistance the member BRU, trade union members and other citizens in providing them by legal consultations on labour relationships.
2.4.With the assistance of the member BRU to provide participation of the CTUA representative in the lawsuits in order to protect labour rights and related interests of trade union member workers in the judicial processes.
2.5.To continue the cooperation with the government of the RA and other interested organizations in the matter of regulation of migration, forced labour and labour trafficking and in the protection of rights of migrant workers in the country of their destination.
3. Healthy and Safe Work
One of the main tasks of trade unions is the conduction of the activities which ensure the right to healthy and safe labour conditions for workers.
3.1.CTUA with the member BRU are consistent in their activity on providing healthy and safe labour conditions for workers.
3.2.CTUA with the member BRU carry out activities to create “green working places” free from harmful industrial influence, exclude occupational injures and diseases, negative influence on the environment.
3.3.To assist to establishing in the republic the international standards of labour protection.
3.4.To take measures on establishing in the Republic of Armenia the uniform procedure of investigation and registration of occupational accidents.
3.5.To take measures for adopting the corresponding legal act where the main norms and rules on health and labour safety are established.
3.6.Trough the mediation of the member BRU to assist in matters of providing health and labour safety of workers.
4. Internal Activity
Strengthening of solidarity and organization of the trade unions is a guarantee of the effective protection of the social-economic rights of workers.
4.1.To assist the member BRU in their activity to strengthen the trade union membership motivation, to raise the number of trade union members and trade union organizations.
4.2.To continue activities on further improvement and development of the system of trade union training. To take measures to increase the qualification of trade union workers and to establish continuous training.
4.3.To provide a systematic approach to organizing of the trade union training, combining academic and innovative methods of teaching, to introduce modern information and educational technology.
4.4.To use the advantages of the sociological researches in order to improve the efficiency of CTUA and member BRU activities, involving the member BRU in this activity.
4.5. To organize with the CTUA member BRU activity on involving into trade union organizations the workers of multinational corporations, the enterprises with the foreign capital participation.
4.6.Together with member BRU develop and implement a comprehensive strategy in order to increase the trade union membership among workers.
4.7.To organize and carry out activities to disseminate information about CTUA and member BRU activities, constantly improve the official website turning it into a means of communication and as well in a available source of operative and competent information, awareness of international trade union movement for public and in particular for trade union members, to introduce an electronic information exchange.
4.8.To take measures to improve the structure of the CTUA , to increase the efficiency of its structural subdivisions’ activity and to strengthen the economic and property base.
4.9.With the aim of implementation the internal reforms of the CTUA to promote the member BRU in their enlargement.
4.10.To continue activities on ensuring the integration of women and young people in trade union organizations.
5. International Cooperation
CTUA protecting rights and interests of workers in the conditions of economic globalization will build its international activity with foreign trade union centers on principles of solidarity.
5.1.To continue the cooperation with International Labour Organization, International Trade Union Confederation, General Confederation of Trade Unions and with other organizations deal with labour, social-economic and humanity issues.
5.2.To take measures to implement international labour norms and trade union rights appointed in the International Labour Organization and European Social Charter conventions and in other international documents ratified by the RA.
5.3.To study and disseminate international trade union experience among the member BRU with the purpose of their expedient use by the CTUA and the member BRU in their activity.
5.4.To take measures to become a full-fledged member of International Trade Union Confederation.
3-d Congress of Confederation of trade unions of Armenia express its confidence that CTUA joint with member branch republican unions constantly improving their activities, consolidating and intensifying their activities in the matter of representing and protecting labour and related to it rights and interests of workers will contribute to the promotion of decent work, sustainable development and social progress in the Republic of Armenia.