On June 19 – 22, in Tsaghkadzor, SUMMER SCHOOL for trade union members was held, organized by the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation in Armenia and CTUA.
During the four insightful days, the participants got hands-on knowledge about trade unions structure, goals and functions, labor rights, leadership, as well as communication skills. 
Among the speakers were Head of CTUA Education Center, Elen Manaseryan, and psychologist, corporate trainer Ines Poghosyan. In the scopes of the summer school, the presentaion of the trade union Board game called «Խոսե՞նք»/ "Shall we talk?"/ also took place in Tsaghkadzor. The game was created with the support of the Friedrich- Ebert-Stiftung Armenia. The author of the game is Liana Amiraghyan, who represents CTUA youth committee, and is also author of educational and entertainment games.
On the last day, Liana Badalyan, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung's Project Coordinator in Armenia, and Elen Manaseryan, Head of CTUA Educational Center, congratulated all the participants. “This youth summer school is an important milestone for us on the way of modernizing trade unions in Armenia”, says Elen Manaseryan.
Certificates of completion were granted to all the participants.

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