Socio-economic challenges in the Republic of Armenia and trade unions

The Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia jointly with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Armenia held a trade union and sports event on the topic of “Socio-economic challenges in the Republic of Armenia and trade unions” on March 13-16, 2025.
Over the course of four days, more than 115 trade unionists took part in discussions of contemporary socio-economic challenges in Armenia.
Separate discussions were organized on the topics of “Comprehensive health insurance”, “Declaration of income of individuals”, “Increase in fares for public transport in Yerevan”, “Presentation of ILO Convention No. 190 on combating violence and harassment at work”, “Transitions at work”, “Social democratic values in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Armenia”.
In the sports part of the event, participants competed in four sports: chess, table tennis, darts and arm wrestling. The participants were awarded by the presidents of the respective federations and honored sports figures.

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