The President of the CTUA Elen Manaseryan was on a working visit to the city of Kajaran

The President of the CTUA Elen Manaseryan, the Chairman of the Republican Union of Professional Organizations of Miners, Metallurgists and Jewelers of the Republic of Armenia Eduard Pahlevanyan and a lawyer Naira Hambartsumyan, who cooperates with the CTUA, on January 13 at the House of Culture of Kajaran city of Syunik region met with the chairmen of trade union organizations of the Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Plant, as well as with the representatives of the employer. During the meeting, changes to the RA Labor Code were discussed, which still need clarification. N. Hambartsumyan spoke about legal and court cases in this area. The meeting participants spoke about current problems, as well as daily obstacles arising due to imperfect legislation. The president of the CTUA promised to discuss them with the relevant authorities within the framework of social partnership.
The chairmen of the trade union organizations of ZCMP noted that such meetings are effective and contribute to the improvement of trade union work.

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