How to set up a trade union organization

In labour relationships contradictions between an employer and a worker are unavoidable, as  the  employer  seeks for obtaining the highest profit by  spending the lowest costs,  while workers demand fair and equivalent payment for their work.

 A worker is not able to stand alone against the violations and contrariness of an employer. That’s why  it is necessary to establish a trade union organization which will enable to represent and protect  labour and connected professional, economic and social rights and interests of workers which are in labour relationships with an employer.

 Setting up  of the trade union organization will also enable :

  • to establish additional benefits, guarantees and indemnities, connected with labour relationships through negotiation with the employers and collective bargaining;
  • to take part,  with the employer’s approval, in drawing up production plans and their realization;
  • to produce the employer proposals concerning the matter of improving working conditions and rest, introduction of new technology, facilitating of manual labour, revision of production norms,  size and order of payments;
  • to cooperate with the employer in the issues connected with rewarding and encouraging a trade union member.


 A  trade union organization has the right, in the order established by law, to organize and conduct peaceful, without arms  marches, meetings, demonstrations, strikes and other mass activities, to negotiate with state bodies, with local governments, employers and other organizations, with their representatives.   

 The right of each person to set up a trade union organization in Republic of Armenia is enshrined in the Constitution of RA, in General declaration of human rights and other regulations of the  international law,  and mechanisms of its implementation are stated in art.4 and 9 of the RA law “About trade unions”, according  them  a  trade union organization shall be  set up on the initiative of its creators (not fewer than 3 workers) by the decision of the called meeting (conference, congress) and the main document for the trade union activity – its constitution - shall be approved by this document, which includes:   

-   the name of trade union organization;

-   subject and goals of the activity;

  • structure;
  • the order of becoming  a trade union member and secession from the trade union;
  • rights and obligations of the members;
  • location;
  • the order of reorganisation and liquidation;
  • the order of making amends  and supplements  in the constitution;
  •  entrance fee,   membership size,  payments order and other sources of obtaining the property.

 The trade union is considered to be formed from the day of its state registration by the central body of the State register of the legal entities of Republic of Armenia.

 The trade union membership will enable to workers’  labour rights and interests protection.

 You can apply  to the Legal department of the Confederation of  trade unions of Armenia  or  to the corresponding  republican  branch union of trade union organization in order to obtain further  information.

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