Discussion of changes in the draft “Labor Code of the Republic of Armenia”, laws “On Trade Unions” and “On Employers’ Organizations”

For a long time now, the executive branch has been initiating amendments to the RA Labor Code, the RA Law on Trade Unions, as well as the adoption of a new law on employers’ organizations. The drafts of these legislative acts have already received preliminary expert comments.
On March 12, 2024, in order to listen to the proposals and comments presented by the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia, as well as discuss them, international labor standards and labor law specialist Miranda Fagerman from the International Labor Organization office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia met with representatives of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia.
During the meeting, representatives of the CTUA  presented in detail the proposals and concerns of trade unions regarding the projects, as well as legal obstacles arising in the exercise of the rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining; they also spoke, in particular, about the extension to representatives of trade unions of the law of RA of the RA Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities separate divisions of legal entities, institutions and state reception of individual entrepreneurs”, state duty for state registration of trade unions, strikes, ratification of ILO Convention No. 190 and other issues.
Ms. Fagerman promised to take into account the issues raised by the CTUA during the discussion of projects with representatives of the RA government.