Statement by the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia in Connection with the Word Day for Safety and Health at Work

Every year, at the initiative of the International Labor Organization, 28  April  is celebrated as World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
The theme for World Day for Safety at Work in 2022 is “Act together to build a positive safety and health  culture of safety ”. A positive safety and health culture  in the workplace means that both employers and employees of enterprises attach great importance to a safe and healthy working environment and make efforts to ensure it through social dialogue, and that the principles of prevention are given the highest priority.
 Social dialogue is necessary for the development of a policy of healthy and safe working conditions in the country at the enterprise level, as well as for the process of creating and strengthening a positive culture of safety and health. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions is important not only to prevent or minimize accidents and occupational diseases in enterprises, but also to increase productivity and quality of work.
 Due to the violation of safety standards in the Republic of Armenia, there are accidents at work, sometimes with a fatal outcome. Accidents are often the result of insufficiently safe working conditions. Meanwhile, the right to healthy and safe working conditions is enshrined in Article 82 of the RA Constitution, according to which every employee has the right to healthy, safe and decent working conditions.
 The Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia joins the initiative of the International Labor Organization dedicated to the World Day for safety and Health at work.