Trade Union Advocacy Seminar

Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia in the framework of cooperation with the representatives of the Armenian office of the Solidarity Center organization on November 17-19, 2023  held a seminar “Advocasy Skills” for young trade union workers of branch republican unions of  trade union organizations, affiliating with the CTUA. 
Participants were provided with comprehensive information on the following key topics:
        -What is propaganda?
        -Advocacy Planning Cycle
       - Features of joint planning
        -Defining advocacy goals.

President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia of Armenia E. Manaseryan drew the attention of the seminar participants to court cases on labor disputes and especially violations of trade union rights. Such violations occur due to insufficient awareness of the relevant authorities, with which training models have been developed and implemented for them.
The seminar participants expressed the hope that the planning and implementation of propaganda activities will contribute to the further successful work of trade unions in Armenia.

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