The amount of taxes paid from wages from January 1, 2023

The income tax rate in 2023 from January 1, according to the Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia, is set at 20%.
Income tax is set at 10% for employees of IT-certified companies that enjoy tax benefits.
According to the RA Law “On Funded Pensions”, social payments for participants in the mandatory funded pension system are made in the following amounts:
  in the amount of 5% of the salary, if the monthly salary does not exceed AMD 500,000,
in the amount equal to AMD 25,000 deducted from 10% of salary, if the monthly salary exceeds AMD 500,000,
In case of exceeding the salary of  AMD 1,125,000 drams – AMD 87,500 drams from the salary.
According to the RA Law “On Compensation for Damage Caused to the Life or Health of Military Personnel in the Defense of the Republic of Armenia”, stamp duties are deducted to the insurance fund of military personnel at the following rates:

1500 drams with a settlement base of up to 100,000 drams
3000 drams with the settlement base from 100,001 to 200,000 drams
5500 drams with the settlement base from 200,001 to 500,000 drams
8500 drams with the settlement base from  500,001 to 1,000,000 
15,000 with a settlement base of  1,000,001 or more.