The authorities of Azerbaijan blocked the Lachin corridor of the Goris-Stepanakert road on December 12,  2022, which today is the only life-line connecting Nagorno-Karabakh with the outside world. In fact, 120,000 Armenian civilians, including children, pregnant women and the elderly, have been under siege for 240 days.
 The humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh is getting worse every minute as food, medicine and basic necessities are depleted and public transport is out of service because of lack of fuel.
 According to the latest official data (Artsakhpress) as of July 21, 2023  more than 14,600 residents lost their jobs,  are deprived of their minimum monthly income. In addition to the humanitarian crisis, the unemployment rate is rising day by day.
 With these actions, the Azerbaijan government violates the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations, in particular the provision set out in Article 2:  “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status“.
 In fact, the Azerbaijan government violates the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights in relation to the population and workers (Articles 2, 3, 9, 13, 25, 26, 28), the European Convention on Human Rights, the Declaration concerning the aims and purposes of the International Labor Organization, the provisions of the International Labor Organization clearly established by Convention No.87.
 Violations of the human right to life have already been recorded in Nagorno-Karabakh. Old men, women and children faint in queues for bread. Due to lack of food, pregnant women pass out on the street. Unfortunately, cases of infant mortality have already been reported.
It should be noted that even the International Committee of the Red Cross cannot ensure the safe transportation of patients to the Republic of Armenia for treatment. 68-year-old Vagif Khachatryan, who, accompanied by the International Committee of the Red Cross, was taken from Nagorno-Karabakh for treatment to Armenia, was kidnapped by representatives of the Azerbaijan authorities.
 The Republic of Armenia on July 26, 2023 sent 19 trucks with 361 tons of humanitarian aid to Nagorno-Karabakh. Before the trucks left Yerevan, foreign diplomats accredited in the Republic of Armenia got acquainted with the contents of these trucks.
It is obvious that the blockade of Nagorno-Karabakh is a crime containing the features of international terrorism and corresponding to genocide, since from July 26 to the present day, 19 trucks have been still standing at the border and cannot enter Nagorno-Karabakh.
It should also be noted that the Azerbaijan armed forces continue to fire regularly from weapons of various calibers on civilians and workers living and working in Nagorno-Karabakh, violating the rights of the population and workers to life, security, freedom of association, health and safe working conditions. They carry out similar actions even in relation to the citizens of the Republic of Armenia living and working in the border settlements of the Republic of Armenia.
 We call on international trade union organizations, as well as trade union activists from all over the world, to join the just struggle of the Armenian trade unions and, using all tools to put pressure on the Azerbaijani authorities in order to stop the criminal policy against humanity, against the civilian population, to end the blockade of the Lachin corridor. We also propose to appeal to your governments and international organizations with a request to put pressure on the genocidal actions of the Azerbaijan authorities.
 We are confident that trade union solidarity and commitment to universal values will unite national and international trade union activists around the world and prevent Azerbaijan from committing a new genocide in the 21st century.

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