Senior and mid-level medical workers forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh will have the right to work without a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certificate

 On October 3, 2023, the RA Ministry of Health published the draft RA Law “On Amendments to the Law on Medical Care and Services to the Population” on the unified website for publishing draft legal acts.
 With the adoption of this project, senior and mid-level medical workers forcibly displaced as a result of Azerbaijan  military aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh on September 19, 2023, until October 1, 2024. will be given the opportunity to engage in professional activities without a medical certificate, since according to the legal norms in force in the Republic of Armenia on medical care and provision of services, senior and mid-level medical workers must have a medical certificate, which is a document confirming a work permit.
 According to Nagorno-Karabakh legislation, medical workers are not required to have a medical certificate. Senior and mid-level health workers forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh can, during the specified period (until October 1, 2024), participate in accredited courses, accumulate continuing professional development credits and receive a certificate.
 During this period, the inspection body supervising the healthcare sector will not deprive this category of workers of the right to work on the basis of lack of a medical certificate.
 The adoption of this project is due to the need to provide work for senior and mid-level medical workers who were forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh.
 You can get acquainted with the project by following the link