Seminar for Branch Republican Union of Trade Union Organizations Workers of Education and Science of Armenia

On June 6-8, in Stepanavan, the chariman of Tavush, Lori and Shirak regional trade unions together with the members of the Branch Republican Union of Trade Union Organizations Workers of Education and Science of Armenia participated in the seminar organized by CTUA and Solidarity Center in Armenia.

The 3-day seminar was dedicated to trade union fundamental issues as well as the labour code of RA. Elen Manaseyan, Head of Eduation Center of CTUA, presented the upcoming changes in the the Labour Code of RA and their potential impact.

The participants also actively engaged in group work, discussed challenges of trade unions, collective agreement and got acquainted with the fundamental principles of negotiations.

The seminar was aimed to boost collaboration and unity in trade unions, along with raising legal awareness of the members.

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