"Promotion of Social Justice: The future of work in the current period" international conference

"Promotion of Social Justice: The future of work in the current period" international conference was held for the first time in Armenia with the participation of the Director General of the International Labor Organization (ILO) Gilbert Hungbo.
The event was attended by RA President Vahagn Khachaturyan, RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Narek Mkrtchyan, President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia Elen Manaseryan, representatives of legislative and executive bodies, as well as high-ranking officials from the United Arab Emirates, the State of Qatar, the Republic of India, Sweden,  Singapore, the Republic of Uzbekistan, France and a number of other countries.
Gilbert Hungbo emphasized in his speech that despite the existing challenges and difficulties, the developments in the field of work are noticeable in Armenia.
"As a result of conflicts and crises, the level of unemployment increases and we must do everything to overcome this situation," said Mr. Hungbo.
In the third part of the event, three panel discussions were held. Elen Manaseryan, the president of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia, was the speaker at the discussion on the topic "Social justice and women's economic empowerment". In her speech, she spoke about the obstacles encountered in the path of women's empowerment and inclusion in the labor market and their possible solutions, the role of trade unions in decent work, healthy and safe conditions at work, prevention and elimination of discrimination and harassment in the field of work.

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