On June 20-22, a round table was held in Tsakhkadzor, organized by the joint efforts of CTUA and the Solidarity Center in Armenia, with the participation of the branch republican unions of trade unions of Armenia.

Elen Manaseryan, Head of the Education Center of CTUA, presented the study on the international experience of the legislative framework for trade union activities. It included a comprehensive study of the trade union experience from various countries of the world, in particular the specifics of the legal framework of the Nordic countries, such as Finland and Sweden, as well as the Baltic states, such as Latvia and Lithuania. The main fundamentals and best existing practices were presented.

In addition, Anna Barikyan, Legal Advisor at CTUA, presented trade union legislative practices in France, highlighting only the major points relevant to the context of the Armenian reality.

After the presentation, the participants shared their thought and opinions on the important points, through questions and answer session raised key issues related to the activities of trade unions, as well as discussed the fundamentals of international experience, and to which extend those are applicable for Armenia.

The substantive discussion and the presentation of the study were aimed to increase the role and capacity of trade unions in Armenia, and promote the efficiency of trade union activities.

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