Ноw to become a trade union member

 In the Republic of Armenia the right of each man to become a trade union member is guaranteed  by the Constitution of RA, and mechanisms of its implementation are defined by the legislation and constitution of each trade union organization.

 According to Art.6 of law RA “About trade unions” participants (members) of trade union organization shall be workers who concluded a labour  agreement with the employer, as well as workers who concluded a labour  agreement with another employer of the corresponding branch (adjacent branch) economy (enterprise, service, profession) in accordance to their application. Trade union members pay their membership fees in the  size set  by its constitution.

 The order of membership in more than one trade union organization is established in the constitution of  the organization.

 A worker can be a member of the trade union organization from the day  of its foundation.  On voluntary  basis  a worker can  be a trade union member of either one organization or  other (adjacent) trade union organization.

 You can apply  to the Legal department of the Confederation of trade unions of Armenia or  the corresponding republican branch union of trade union organizations  in order to obtain further  information.

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