Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the project “Together we promote the implementation of labor rights in Armenia”

The International Labor Organization and the government of the United States of America, represented by the US Department of Labor, signed an agreement in 2020 to implement a development cooperation program in Armenia. To guide the work of the PILRAT project, a Project Advisory Committee (PAC) has been established which has the overall mandate to advise on the strategic orientation of the project as well as make recommendations on its implementation. The Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia is a member of the Project Advisory Committee represented by the Branch Union of Trade Unions of Miners, Metallurgists and Jewelers, the Branch Union of Trade Union Organizations of Health Workers under the leadership of the President  of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia. The activities of the PAC are carried out through regular meetings.
The regular meeting of the Project Advisory Committee took place on November 16 in the UN office building.
Members of the PAC heard information about the progress of the project, and also touched upon problems and challenges related to the situation in the Republic of Armenia. The PAC  will continue its work to complete all planned activities without additional funding.
Chairman of the Committee, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Ruben Sargsyan touched upon the issues of introducing a system of alternative resolution of labor disputes in the Republic of Armenia.
The President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia, Elen Manaseryan, in her speech touched upon the  issue of court cases with labor disputes, especially with violations of trade union rights, insufficient awareness of the responsible bodies about the role of trade unions and the expansion of training models already introduced for workers of these bodies.
There was also talk about the use of reports from participants in the monitoring platform created within the framework of a comprehensive and expanded agreement between Armenia and the European Union.

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