Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

Dear friends,

Another year that has been full of worries and hardships for the whole world will soon be history.
 Unfortunately, in 2022, the crises did not bypass Armenia and Artsakh. And today, our compatriots in Artsakh have to celebrate the New Year under the conditions of a total blockade, and for many children of Artsakh  the New Year miracle would be marked by the fact that they would be with their parents.
 However, despite all the difficulties, our compatriots continue to live and create, proving their inflexibility of spirit and will.
 Despite all the difficulties, the past year will be remembered for the achievements of the trade unions.
 During 2022, the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia and its republican branch unions actively worked in the development of legal acts regulating the sphere of labor relations, in the field of social partnership and on the platform of civil society, highlighting the problems of workers and proposed solutions, numerous violated rights were restored workers.
 The coming year is already full of new challenges, to overcome which it is necessary to unite our efforts, fighting together for the basic rights and well-being of workers.
 Dear friends, I sincerely congratulate you all on the New Year and Merry Christmas, I wish you peace, love and warmth in your families.

 President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia                          Elen Manaseryan

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