А study “Working Conditions of Food Delivery Workers”

Within the framework of cooperation between the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, on September 13, a study entitled “Working Conditions of Food Delivery Workers” was presented by the Leading Public Research Group (APR GROUP).
The service sector in the Republic of Armenia is developing very quickly, and the number of people involved in this sector is increasing accordingly. These are people of different ages, genders, social statuses, as well as foreigners who arrived in Armenia as labor migrants.
Most workers lack knowledge of basic labor rights, and therefore they cannot protect themselves. The main problems of workers are dangerous working conditions, unfair incomes, and various organizational obstacles. How are labor relations and conditions regulated, to what extent are labor rights violated and how are they protected, are they aware of their rights? In order to clarify these and other issues related to labor relations, a study was conducted "Working Conditions of Food Deliverers" in order to identify problems related to the work of food deliverers, partially assess the needs, and identify the necessary tools for creating fair conditions in the labor market. Based on the results of the studies, government agencies and organizations operating in the field were provided with recommendations on eliminating the necessary technical and legal obstacles.
The event was attended by the Chairman of the RA NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs Eriknaz Tigranyan, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ruben Sargsyan, representatives of the RA Health and Labor Inspectorate, the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Unified Social Service, as well as guests interested in this area.
Elen Manaseryan,  President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia, welcoming the guests and emphasizing the relevance of the study, emphasized that this is the first comprehensive study that is being conducted to clarify the working conditions of food delivery workers, as well as to find out how aware they are of their labor rights and the extent to which these rights are violated.
The Chairwoman of the RA NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs Eriknaz Tigranyan emphasized the importance of increasing interest in the labor rights of workers and noted that this study and the conclusions and recommendations contained therein will definitely become the basis for further processes aimed at regulating the industry. In his speech, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Ruben Sargsyan emphasized the importance of such studies for the Employment Policy being developed, since they allow looking at a particular area of employment from different perspectives.
You can view the full study here

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