On the eve of Decent Work Day, the President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia was a guest on the “Morning on Kentron” program

On the eve of Decent Work Day, the President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia Elen Manaseryan was invited to the studio of the Kentron TV channel to take part in the “Morning on Kentron” program.
During the program, they talked about the labor fair, which will be held on October 7 at the initiative of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia and will be dedicated to Decent Work Day.
The President of the CTUA  noted the importance of real understanding of what decent work is, because decent work is not only a workplace, the environment in which we work is no less important,  as well as the state of mind with which we come to work, healthy and safe working conditions.

Watch the video for more details.

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