May Day Appeal by the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

The first of May is the date when the world trade union movement celebrates as the Day of International Workers' Solidarity.
On this day, trade unions express their solidarity and unity in the name of implementing the principles of social justice and decent work. The challenges facing workers around the world require a collective effort to fight for democracy, human rights and decent work.
The COVID-19 epidemic and the unstable political situation in the world have a negative impact on the economy and financial markets of all countries. The consequences will be felt for many years to come, and their burden will fall heavily on the shoulders of the working people.
Similar problems have not bypassed the Republic of Armenia, where there is also a decline in incomes and the socio-economic level of workers, resulting in aggravated poverty and unemployment.
Solving problems requires not only a responsible approach, but also a comprehensive system of actions. Positive results can only be achieved if governments and employers work together with trade unions.
The Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia believes that the interests of workers should be above all else, that no difficulties or problems can justify violations of workers' rights, ignoring the principles of decent work.
The Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia congratulates all workers on the Day of International Workers' Solidarity, calls to unite all efforts to counteract negative trends and build a just society.


Eduard Tumasyan
Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia