On June 28, THE LEADERSHIP SCHOOL, a joint initiative of the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation in Armenia and CTUA, has been finalised. 
Through 12 modules, participants got hands-on knowledge on the development of civil society, labor rights, trade unions, governance and leadership skills. 
Liana Badalyan, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung's Project Coordinator in Armenia, and Elen Manaseryan, Head of CTUA Educational Center, congratulated all the participants and the speakers for the productive classes. “This school was another step on the way of redefining trade unions’ role in Armenia and making labor rights protection the cornerstone of their activities”, says Elen Manaseryan.
The two months were full of meaningful classes, interesting discussions, with the focus of building legal consciousness and commitment to democratic values. “In this sense, the mission of this school was also creating a strong civil society with value-based leadership”, says Liana Badalyan.
Certificates of completion were granted to all the participants.

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